With the enhancement of sexual promiscuity, these diseases are beneficial.

With the enhancement of sexual promiscuity, these diseases are beneficial.

A reserver is a nuts that are made by drying date palm. ">There are many advantages of eating housework in which vitamin, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium are found abundant.
Know the Benefits of Eating It1. Lung and chests get strength through the use of solar eclipse. ">And there is benefit in breathing disease.
2. To strengthen the body, boil two or three mills in five hundred grams of milk for a long time. ">When the milk remains three hundred grams, add sugar candy in it and take it.
3. Due to two chewing mare in the morning and evening and drinking hot water, the constipation is removed. Apart from this, eating cocoons and raisins also cures constipation.
4. Rituals occur naturally on time due to physical disabilities due to obstruction in seasonal seasons.
">5. If it is difficult for urination to be repeated during peak period, then it is possible to consume spots for a few days.
6. Calcium deficiency in the body is complete by drinking milk and cow's milk. Because calcium is in excess quantity in the incantations.
7. Rinse the khootle with water on a clean stone or on a cylinder. Applying on boils and pimples and other ulcers immediately benefits. Swelling and stool are destroyed.
">08. The problem of urinating on their bed is solved by feeding small children.
09. Boosting two pieces of milk, eating at night and drinking milk, the tone is very harmonious.
10. Hemorrhoids can be destroyed in one week after boiling the killer in milk and eating and drinking milk. ">The painting helps prevent the hemorrhoids by destroying constipation.
11. When eating khushil, it is very beneficial to eat a masonry.
12. On getting rid of the cave on the eyelids of eyes, it is possible to get rid of the khutali with the water on the cob.
13. In order to be a physically motive, boil in the residual milk should be cooked daily. The body increases blood and meat.
">14. A resounding power giving rise to the heart increases blood in the body.
15. Four toilets are used, grind the five toe nut, and grind the kernel of an ounce of coconut, fry them in ghee and mix them in equal amount of sugar candy. From this, daily eating of two tola mixture will remove gynecological diseases.
16. To remove the problems of menstrual disruption, keep an addict and two almonds in the water at night. Grate both in the morning and eat both sugar and butter together. The problem will be solved.
17. Date not only is effective for asthma patients, but also helps palm in removing the complaint of paralysis and chest pain.
Caution: After drinking the sweet food and milk, you should not drink water for one and a half hours.
This is also made by rescuersYou must have eaten almond pudding very well, but have you ate the halwa pudding? It is also very tasty as almond halva. This pudding is very beneficial in the winter days. You can also keep it for several days.
Apart from this, you can also create chaatarea chutney which many people eat with great passion. Among the things that are made of the museum, there is also the conduct of the masonry. You can also eat it with bread or pickle. ">This ethics also helps in increasing your appetite.
It is beneficial in these diseases.Irregular food, anxiety, drinking, wake up late night, sleeping pills, burning unnecessary medicines, reading pornography, watching pornography, and other bad habits is something that causes our body to weaken. If you want to remove your weakness, then begin to look after them. If you take it with milk, it will not only increase the force but also the face will be beautiful. Apart from this, eating housemaids and cough of the eye are also cured. It is also helpful in removing diseases like asthma.

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